Check our homepage or Facebook page for upcoming events, schedule changes, weather cancellations, etc.
Saturday CTF Adult Black Belt workouts are typically held the first Saturday of the month- no open floor on those days.
9:30 am
Rock Steady Boxing
5:30 pm
Beg. Kids TKD (White belt – Yellow Black)
6:15 pm
Adv. Kids TKD (Green belt and above)
7:15 pm
9:30 am
Beginner Kids TKD (White – Green Black)
10:15 am
Advanced Kids TKD (Blue – Black Belt)
11:15 am
All Ranks Adult TKD
6:30 pm
Advanced Ranks Adult TKD (Green Belts and up)
7:30 pm
Beginner Level Adult Taekwondo (White, Yellow, Yellow-Black belts)
9:30 am
Rock Steady Boxing
11:15 am
5:30 pm
Beg. Kids TKD (White belt – Yellow Black)
6:15 pm
Adv. Kids TKD (Green belt and above)
7:15 pm
9:30 am
Rock Steady Boxing
6:30 pm
Advanced Ranks Adult TKD (Green Belts and above)
7:30 pm
Beginner Adult Taekwondo (White, Yellow, and Yellow-Black belts)
9:30 am
Beginner Kids TKD (White – Green Black)
10:15 am
Advanced Kids TKD (Blue Belt – Black Belt)
11:15 am
All Ranks Adult TKD
5:30 pm
Beg. Kids TKD (White belt – Yellow Black)
6:15 pm
Adv. Kids TKD (Green belt and above)
9:15 am
10:15 am
Open Floor All Ranks Adult TKD and Krav. (All teen/adult students are welcome to spar, grapple, run patterns, use the weight/cardio equipment, bags, etc.)
Our after school program hours are 2-6pm Monday through Friday. Exceptions are camp/half/early dismissal days (5:30 pickup)
Check the homepage for updates on:
Rank testing dates- occasional class changes during those times.
Saturday black belt workouts are typically the first Saturday of the month. No open floor on those days.
Upcoming schedule changes, outings, events, tournaments, and more.
Stevens Family TaeKwonDo is a full service, traditional martial arts studio located about 20 minutes outside of Nashville, Tennessee in Murfreesboro.